API v2 used with products from Suran Systems.

Account fraud check

Resource Tags Description

Account schedules

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/account_schedules SESSION Get all account schedules within a date range

Authenticated test
Test routes for System and Session authentication

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/authenticated_test_system Test system authentication
GET /api/v2/authenticated_test_session Test session authentication

Bank holidays

Resource Tags Description

Calculate fee

Resource Tags Description

Check gift reports

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/check_gift_reports Report gifts within date range

Country selects

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/country_selects Get all countries

Country state selects

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/general/country_state_selects Get all states for country

Deposit designation detail by deposit dates

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/deposit_designation_detail_by_deposit_date Get all deposit designation details

Deposit designation details

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/deposit_designation_details Get all deposit designation details within date range

Deposit summaries

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/deposit_summaries Get summaries for deposits within a date range.

Designation detail with contact info

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/designation_detail_with_contact_info Get all designation details with contact info within a date range

Designations select

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/designations_select Get all designations

Disciples of Christ
Disciples of Christ specific resources

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/doc/ministers List of DOC ministers that have standing

Donor information one

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/donor_information_one Get information for one donor

Donor information report

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/donor_information_report Get information for all pay donors

Donor transaction information

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/donor_transaction_information Get online donor transaction information for a single donor within a date range

Donors transaction information

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/donors_transaction_information Get online transaction information for all donors within a date range

Donors transaction information settlement date

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/donors_transaction_information_settlement_date SESSION Get online transaction information for all donors within a date range

Failed clerk report transaction

Resource Tags Description

Giving detail

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/deposit_detail_designation_detail_with_contact_info Returns details about deposits, their designations, and the contact information for their respective donors


Resource Tags Description

Endpoints for authentication, beginning a Session

Resource Tags Description
POST /api/v2/login Login, beginning a Session

Mock acps

Resource Tags Description

Mock preferences

Resource Tags Description

Pca deposit detail designation detail with contact info

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/pca_deposit_detail_designation_detail_with_contact_info Get all pca deposit/designation details with contact info within a date range

Pca event deposit details

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/pca_event_deposit_details Get all pca event deposit details within a date range

Response code selects

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/response_code_selects Get all response codes

Select accounts

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/select_accounts Get all accounts

Send error report

Resource Tags Description

Retrieve information on the current Session, or logout

Resource Tags Description
DELETE /api/v2/logout Logout, ending a Session

Time off payrolls

Resource Tags Description

Time off totals

Resource Tags Description


Resource Tags Description

Verify transactions

Resource Tags Description
GET /api/v2/pay/verify_transactions Get all verify transactions